Vendor Skills> referral group meeting presentation – steps to a one minute commercial:
NAME, COMPANY, WHAT I DO… (phone on mute)
My name is Tom Flecky, I am a Corporate Mortgage Manager working with Grand Avenue Lending in Anaheim, I have been a residential mortgage lender for over 20 years.
My company has all the tools and talent you would need to get the best mortgage financing possible.
90% of our business comes from referrals. Our strength is that we really do focus on the needs of our clients!
We are licensed to do mortgage loans for the whole state of California and we focus on the local counties in the L.A. basin and the Inland Empire
DESCRIBE ONE PRODUCT OR SERVICE – Break down your service or product into it’s most basic form. give advice or update on related topical issue; such as: market update, rates, new laws, etc
Our services include;
– Residential Mortgage Loans / Professional Loan Processing
– Real Estate Transaction Coordination
– Real Estate Marketing Support / (building) Home Buyer Skills Training
WHY US? WHAT MY PRODUCTS WILL DO FOR YOU – describe a recent situation you are able to solve, describe the benefits of your product or service.
What can we do for you? HUMOROUS/SERIOUS damage/VISUAL image/THEME (candy)
– Unlock the mystery of doing a smart mortgage. You can trust us.. We work for a lower profit and do not add costs. We know how to get the job done!
– We get you an accurate loan pre-approval, you will like not having any surprises later!
– We have all the best loan products, you will get better options to choose from!
– We reveal your main qualifying issues, that allows me to investigate a find a solution for you!
– We close the deal on time, you will appreciate our speed and accuracy!
– We stay on top of the file, you will appreciate our attention to detail!
– We are great partners, you will appreciate our ability to solve roadblocks!
– We update you often, you will appreciate our consistent updates!
-We can assist in cleaning someone’s credit, we do simple or bring in professional help
DO THE ASK… – find a “REASON TO CALL” – all about matchmaking your referral sources with potential clients. The idea here is to ask for the contact at a specific company you are trying to meet or when someone is at a party with friends you want them to know what to listen for which may lead to the referral.
A good client for me would be:
– Someone who needs an honest, low rate and low cost mortgage loan
– Someone who thinks they cannot buy a home…, let me talk to them and I can put them on the right path
– Some one who needs to find a no down loan, maybe using some of the down payment assistance bond money available – they put up down payment and closing costs… options: calhfa, chenoa (va, usda), parents can gift also
– Someone who is self-employed and having trouble getting a good loan – (everyone writes off $) options: 1 year taxes, asset depletion and deposit average programs. We also have private loans, 30% down, anyone can buy.
– Someone who wants to buy some land and build a home – options: fha “one time close” loan, funds to build, payout in phases and then the final permanent loan
– Someone who wants to downsize… sell their current home, put money down on a smaller, cheaper home and have no house payment… and invest the rest with a financial planner
The best “reason” for me to call your clients is my history of doing intelligent loans, at a reduced cost and then closing their files quickly
REPEAT NAME / COMPANY / MEMORY HOOK – A memory hook is something you say at the end of your ONE MINUTE COMMERCIAL that helps people remember who you are. Most times these are catchy phrases that relate to what you do.
I am Tom Flecky with Grand Avenue Lending
Bringing my clients: profit, education and a simpler life
There is so much to be learned from creating a 30-60 second informative, educational, and inspirational commercial for one’s business. It requires breaking down the product into the least common denominators mentioned in the article. When we do this, we learn about ourselves, our business and what kind of clients we are really looking for. It’s an exercise that is an absolute must for small business owners looking to succeed.
An elevator pitch or 1-minute commercial is a short introduction of your career skills, experience and interests. It’s designed to help you briefly communicate your personal brand any time you meet a potential employer, client or contact. The term “elevator pitch” reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver your personal self-marketing summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately 30 seconds to two minutes.
The term itself comes from a scenario of an accidental meeting with someone important in the elevator. If the conversation inside the elevator in those few seconds is interesting and value adding, the conversation will continue after the elevator ride, or end in exchange of business cards or a scheduled meeting. When you only have a few minutes of someone’s time, having a well-prepared, elevator pitch can make those few minutes count. A successful pitch is where the other person relaxes and says, “Interesting. Tell me more.”
Keep your commercial simple and brief, and always include who you are, what you want to do and why it matters (or what the employer/client will get out of it).
Use a story or example to demonstrate your best qualities.
Use strong, action-packed words and speak in a confident, personable tone.
Be relevant. List the accomplishments (paid, unpaid, work, education or life experiences) that are relevant and compelling to your audience.
If job searching, be clear about the job title, function and industry you are interested in.
Practice your commercial, but don’t memorize; you want to sound natural!
Make a connection between yourself and your new acquaintance. End with a question to draw the contact into the conversation.
-in an interview, in response to, “Tell me about yourself.”
-in a follow-up phone call or email, to summarize your qualifications and interest
-while networking, to help you make a clear, positive first impression
at a career fair, to introduce yourself quickly to employers
One of the fastest growing companies in America?